Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Geophysics Solutions for

Groundwater Resources

Groundwater Exploration

Directly measure water content and characterize aquifer properties using NMR. Our tools operate non-invasively from the surface or downhole in pilot borings.

  • Directly detect and quantify groundwater
  • Measure volumetric water content
  • Measure pore size distribution
  • Estimate hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity

Solution 1

GMR & GMR-Flex

  • Direct, non-invasive detection and imaging of extractable groundwater. Locate productive aquifers positively before drilling.
  • No drilling required: deploy non-invasively from the surface, reducing cost and impact.
  • Data products include a vertical profile of volumetric water content, relative pore size distribution, and relative hydraulic conductivity.

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solution 2


  • Characterize exploration wells.
  • Obtain high resolution profiles of aquifer properties and improve decision making during exploration.
  • Can be deployed in cased or open boreholes up to 17 inches (430mm) in diameter.

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Extraction Well Design

Identify productive zones at high resolution and predict yield in pilot borings to determine optimal screen placement and inform well design.

  • Identify zones of highest water content and permeability.
  • Obtain continuous, high-resolution estimates of hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity without the expense and spatial gaps of pump testing.

Solution 1


  • Javelin NMR logging tools are the first NMR logging tools developed specifically for groundwater investigations. Javelin tools feature large diameters of investigation relative to probe diameter to ensure that in situ aquifer properties are measured.
  • Real-time processing software provides immediate feedback.
  • Generate on-site logs of water content, pore size distribution, and estimated hydraulic conductivity during logging operations.

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Sustainable Groundwater Management

Obtain accurate and high-resolution quantification of water content and hydrogeologic properties for use in groundwater models.

  • Quantify groundwater reserves.
  • Manage saltwater intrusion.
  • Collect high resolution and high precision hydrogeologic data for input in groundwater models.

Solution 1


  • Obtain high resolution profiles of hydrogeologic properties to understand the current extent and states of aquifers.
  • Run Javelin NMR tools in existing monitoring wells to develop improved understanding of aquifer extent and properties.

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Solution 2

GMR and GMR-Flex

  • Fast, non-invasive, and non-destructive direct mapping of aquifer units in the top 150 meters.
  • Get critical unambiguous information on the location and extent of aquifers without the expense of drilling.
  • Map aquifers in environmentally sensitive areas.  

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Managed Aquifer Recharge

Determine site suitability, observe seasonal changes, and monitor surface water infiltration.

  • Measure aquifer properties to inform site selection.
  • Optimize injection and extraction wells.
  • Monitor subsurface saturation over time.

Solution 1

GMR & GMR-Flex

  • Image aquifers and identify permeable zones during planning.
  • Observe water infiltration and migration over time without drilling.

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Solution 2


  • Optimize the design of injection and extraction wells by NMR logging in the open hole immediately following drilling.
  • Use Javelin NMR results to identify the best zones for screening the wells.
  • Repeat logs over time in PVC-cased wells to monitor subsurface water content and saturation states.

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Solution 3


  • Direct push logging of the unsaturated zone to identifies high permeability sediments suitable for flood-based recharge, and also identifies low permeability sediments that would impede flood-based recharge.
  • Repeat logs over time in PVC-cased wells to monitor subsurface water content and saturation states.

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